January 5 2025
“I humbled myself with fasting”
Psalm 35:13 KJV
Fasting is an important part of our walk with God. It helps to bring clarity when we need to hear from him (Acts 13:2, Ezra 8:23), it teaches us dependence on him (Matthew 4:4), and it deals with stubborn spiritual problems that occur in life (Matthew 17:21). Scripture also makes clear that fasting is a way to develop humility. Psalm 35:13 states, “...I humbled my soul with fasting”. Humility is the prioritizing of God and others above ourselves. It is the virtue that sits in opposition to arrogance, entitlement and selfishness. It is what allowed Jesus, even though he was the King of kings, to die the death of a common miscreant for our sake (Philippians 2:8).
Fasting greatly helps us to fulfill the mandate to ‘die to our flesh’ (Romans 8:13,1 Corinthians 15:31). This is vital because the flesh is where pride and arrogance reside. When we ‘slay’ our flesh, we slay those ungodly vices. Fasting is also a symbolic way of countering the original sin of pride that happened through eating. Eve sought to gain for herself through eating the fruit (Genesis 3:6). Pride and entitlement caused her to eat and rebel against God. In contrast, humility and self-denial cause us to put our plate aside in submission to God.
Bible in a year: Genesis 9–10