3 January 2025
Isaiah 35:8 KJV
Young believers with unbelieving peers can often be made to feel apologetic about their holiness standards. However, apologising for holiness should be the last thing on a believer’s mind. Holiness is essentially everything that aligns with the character of God
(1 Peter 1:15-16). It is distinct (1 Peter 2:9), it is exemplary (1 Corinthians 11:1) and it is beautiful (Psalm 96:9). Adhering to holiness means we can’t always fit in with the world around us. This can be uncomfortable at times. However, if we compromise on our call to be set apart, we dim the light that we should be shining to help others see God (Philippians 2:15).
Christianity is so beautiful that many people want to attach themselves to it, even when they won’t let God whittle out of their lives the things that displease him. Many are called by God and invited to serve him, but many will not reciprocate the full love and devotion that he shows (Matthew 22:14). We show this love back to him by following his rules for holiness (John 14:15). But if we know better, we must show better. If the way to God is narrow, as Jesus declares in Matthew 7:14, that means we have to take care to strip ourselves of every fleshly practice that stops us from fitting into the confines of holiness.
God’s stipulations for our lifestyle should never feel like a burden, but part of our mission
(1 John 5:3). If we do feel that way, we should ask God to reveal to us the power of the message that we each convey when we live and conduct ourselves in a set-apart manner. By holiness, we tell the world ‘I will not conform for you’ (Romans 12:2). We show that we are not living merely for this world, we have something far beyond it that we are gearing up for (Hebrews 11:14).
So if you ever feel less than bold about your stance in holiness, remember it is essential if you want to see God, and if you want others to be able to see him through you (Hebrews 12:14). Encourage yourself with this thought: "Being set apart isn’t a burden—it’s a blessing. You’re chosen by God to shine where others fade."
Bible in a year: Genesis 5–6