January 10 2025
“And thine ears shall hear a word”
Isaiah 30:21 KJV
Life is loaded with distractions. This is the challenge for the Child of God who wants to live seriously for him. If our aim is to make him the ‘apple of our eye’, effort must be made so nothing and no one else competes with our affection and focus on him. The problem is the modern world is one where countless advertisers, media creators and entertainers want our eyes on their products and their messages in our ears. They know how to appeal to our desires and tug on our emotional strings. God is the one who deserves most of our attention because he is the one who loves us most. Many of the other people who want a place in our mind do not love us at all. These voices of people that want to use us for merchandise join with the voice of our own emotions, the voices of our friends, the voices of the society around us and also the voice of the devil. There is one way to God, and unfortunately many other ways to go off track, and they often involve listening to the wrong voices. This is why reading the Bible and praying are so powerful - they are training in hearing God’s voice (John 10:27). So if you want to be skilled in hearing from the master, make seeking his voice above all others your daily practice. You will notice that God is always speaking and expressing his mind for those who are willing to tune in to him.
Bible in a year: Genesis 19–20